Thursday, 24 October 2013

20 Ways can Increase Twitter Followers

Here is a list of 20 Tweet ideas to get the ball rolling!

1. Ask for Suggestions or Feedback – People love to help out! Twitter is also a simple way to get feedback about your customer’s experiences with your business.
2. Thank Others – Thanking new followers or any mentions is an easy way to stay active.
3. Greet Your Followers – Even a simple “Good Morning” can go a long way in creating relationships.
4. Help Out – Search keywords related to your business and help others find opportunities and solve problems.
5. Daily Tips – Tips sell well on Twitter and are a good way to show off your industry expertise.
6. Follow Friday – Participate in #FF or any other Twitter networking trends to expand your following.
7. Trending Topics – Take part in the trending topics or popular hashtags to gain some attention. Just make sure your opinions reflect your brand’s identity.
8. Teasers – Post previews of projects or offerings you are working on.
9. Events - Share information about events you are holding as well as participating in. This not only informs, but also shows you are active and gets you attendees!
10. Open Positions - Tweet about job openings, whether they are with your brand or at other businesses you may know.
11. Find Influencers - Research who are the top influencers in your industry and try to build conversations with them.
12. Twitter Coupons - Announce a deal of the day or weekly deal that is exclusive to your Twitter following. You can even track and evaluate its viral reach to understand how influential your brand is.
13. Share Your Wisdom - We all need a bit of inspiration sometimes. Quotes and thought-provoking tweets are one of the most re-tweeted posts on Twitter.
14. Ask Questions - By asking genuine questions you are more likely to get real responses and interaction.
15. Answer Questions - Take the time to answer any questions you may see whether or not they are directed to you. If you can provide an informative answer, you may even get a thankful reply and gain a few new followers.
16. Direct Traffic Elsewhere - Twitter is a simple way to throw out a link to your other social media sites or blog. Just avoid posting these links too often.
17. Tweet The News - Share news stories you are currently reading, or articles and videos related to your business or industry. A quarter of all Twitter posts include a link to another piece of content!
18. Countdowns - Build excitement and anticipation by counting down the days, weeks or even hours until a new product launch, event or other celebration.
19. Share Resources - Provide valuable resources from well-known companies or thought leaders. This could be whitepapers, checklists, eBooks, anything that can help out your customers.
20. Company Facts - This is a great way to help your customers learn more about your business.
Content on Twitter is there one second and gone the next. If a consistent Twitter presence is one of your online marketing objectives, it is key to keep your brand fresh in your audience’s mind and provide valuable information that will keep your followers listening.

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